Website TAREA
The objective of TAREA is to promote the sustainable development of Renewable Energy Technologies in Tanzania Mainland.
Read here information about a Branch Secretary Job Vacancy at TAREA
1.0 Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) is a member-based non- state and non-profit business society established in 2001 to promote sustainable use of renewable energy technologies. It is the biggest renewable energy and energy efficiency non-state network in Tanzania. TAREA has two branch offices in Arusha and Mwanza.
2.0 TAREA wants to recruit a Branch Secretary for the Northern Zone Branch based in Arusha city.
3.0 The Branch Secretary shall play the following roles:
(a) In consultation with the Branch Chairperson, prepare an agenda and give notices for all Branch General Meetings and Branch Committee meetings.
(b) Serve as Secretary at meetings of the Branch mentioned in (a) above.
(c) Prepare and present the Branch Annual Report to the Branch General Meeting.
(d) Prepare and submit quarterly progress reports to the Branch Committee and the Executive Committee of the Association.
(e) Prepare and submit quarterly financial statements to the Branch Committee for scrutiny and approval.
(f) Preparing the Branch annual plan and budget and submitting it to the Branch Committee for consideration and approval.
(g) Maintain the relations between the Branch and the Headquarters of the Association.
(h) Dispatch copies of all minutes of meetings, papers and news items to the Executive Secretary of the Association, which may then, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, be published in the transactions of the Association.
(i) Conduct and participate in fundraising for the resources that will be used as meeting costs; branch running costs and activities implementation.
(j) Coordinate members’ participation in the activities planned by the Association Head Office
(k) Lead the implementation of the association strategy at the branch level.
(l) Implement any activity within his/her capacity as directed by the leaders of the association subject to the constitutional order and
(m) Responsible for membership recruitment, retention, management and service provision at the branch level.
4.0 Candidates wishing to apply for this position, have to meet the following minimum criteria:
(i) Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in the appropriate field of energy/environment sciences.
(ii) Knowledge of project proposal writing/fundraising is a must. Candidates should prove at least one fundraising activity implemented successfully.
(iii) Candidates must be able to work independently.
(iv) The candidate must be a Tanzanian and must prove citizenship.
(v) Female candidates are encouraged to apply.
(vi) Being a member of the renewable energy and energy efficiency network before publication of this opportunity is an added advantage.
5.0 Short-listed candidates will be subjected to written and oral interviews at the head office of TAREA in Dar es Salaam.
6.0 Submit your application with the following application materials.
(i) Duly signed application letter.
(ii) Certified copies of documents proving citizenship.
(iii) Certified copies of certificates proving academic qualifications
(iv) Curriculum Vitae limited to two pages and
(v) All documents must be submitted in one file in PDF format.
7.0 Submit your application as follows.
(i) Address your fully signed application letter to:
Executive Secretary
P.O. Box 32643
16106 Dar es Salaam
(ii) Submit your application document by emailing it to and copying it to
The email shall bear the subject Application for Branch Secretary Position
Neither email communication nor telephone conversation will be entertained before the application submission is closed
Submit your application by midnight of the 1st of September 2024. The date of the email will be considered as a date of submission.
Only qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview and they will be required to avail the original certificates during the interview.
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