Associate Data Management Officer Job Vacancy at UNHCR

Full Time
  • Full Time
  • Kigoma
  • Applications have closed

Website UNHCR

The UN Refugee Agency

 Associate Data Management Officer Job Vacancy at UNHCR

Job Description

Mission and objectives

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is a UN agency mandated to aid and protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people, and to assist in their voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a third country.Context

As part of its new Global Results Framework and in connection with the Global Compact of Refugees (GCR) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UNHCR is progressively implementing the Results Monitoring Survey (RMS) across the operations, to monitor changes in the lives of persons of concerns (impacts) and in UNHCR’s Key areas of engagement (outcomes). RMS are quantitative household level data collection for relevant impact and outcome indicators to ensure evidenced-based reporting against multi-year country strategies, The RMS targets persons of concern (PoC) directly or indirectly assisted by UNHCR, including refugees and asylum seekers, internally displaced persons, returnees, stateless and others of concern. The data produced by RMS serve for various internal and external planning, coordination, programming, advocacy and reporting need at country, regional and global level. Tanzania has been selected as a pilot country to participate in the RMS guided scale up phase which begun in early 2022. This country hosted 246,494 registered and assisted refugees, asylum-seekers, and other person of concern to UNHCR as of 31st December 2021. Burundians were the largest group with 166,232 individuals (67.44%) followed by DRC Congo 79,817 individuals (32.38 %) and 445 individuals (0.18%) from other nationalities. More than 83% are camp-based living in Nduta and Nyarugusu refugee camps located in Kigoma region (Northwestern part of Tanzania). 196 were urban refugees and asylum seekers living in Dar es Salam while the rest are 1972’ refugees living in scattered area including Kigoma village (Tabora region), old settlement and Somalis in Chogo (Tanga region).Task Description

Within the delegated authority and under the supervision of Snr Protection Officer-Kigoma or his/her designated mandated representative(s), the UN Volunteer Associate Data Management Officer-RMS will: • Support the roll out of a household survey in second half of 2022 to collect new COMPASS Impact and Outcome indicators that are mandatory as well as those required for the Refugee Response Plan (RRP) • Conduct a comprehensive review of the operation current monitoring and evaluation systems and tools. Including but not limited to, UNHCR use of ProGres4; Activity Info, RRP, COMPASS indicators, surveys conducted by the different sectors including PDM etc). Compile recommendations and suggestions on how to improve and streamline UNHCR Tanzania’s approach to M&E and related reporting • In consultation with relevant sectors develop a clear roadmap of M&E objectives and related activities to be integrated into the operations planning and budgeting cycles • Guide and support teams in data collection methodologies, data sources, management and analysis, including qualitative and quantitative data, in close collaboration with evaluation and IM staff. • Support result managers on selecting and monitoring key indicators to track • Keep track of management decisions and follow-up actions on monitoring and RMS and communicate information and findings to key stakeholders. • Ensure overall coordination and streamlining of M&E activities in the operation and harmonization of indicators • Drafting TORs and methodologies for monitoring activities • Produce relevant M&E related reports • Train UNHCR staff and partners on Result Monitoring SurveyCompetencies and values

Team work, Result – OrientedLiving conditions and remarks

Field Office Kasulu is located in the Kigoma Region of Tanzania and is approximately 1200kms away from the Regional Economic City of Dar Es Salaam, and about 55kms from the Burundi border. There are two main seasons; the dry season is mostly dusty while the rainy season is quite muddy and cool. Staff are advised to be equipped with appropriate clothing including fleece and rain jackets. There are 10 UNHCR houses located in two compounds close to the office for international staff members. 4 of the houses have shared common areas with separate bedrooms and shared bathrooms while 6 are individually occupied. Although basic, the houses are fully furnished. The PAMA telephone facility is available in all the staff houses and can be used to communicate internationally using assigned PIN Codes. Internet access is provided as is satellite TV (DSTV) with the cost of the latter covered by individual staff members. However, UNHCR owned houses are not enough for all international staff, and some are renting houses in the town. Kasulu offers a limited choice of food and other items, and staff often have to rely on visits to Kigoma or elsewhere for variety. There are no duty-free shops or supermarkets. Due to the lack of basic facilities, families of staff members (national and international) are mostly living elsewhere even though Kasulu is classified as a family duty station. Recreation facilities in Kasulu are very basic. Kigoma, which is the closest town (96 kms away by road) is not easily accessible as staff members have to rely on UN vehicles and those wishing to travel need to make their own private arrangement for the use of vehicles. Alternatively public transport to Kigoma Town is available through the local taxis and minibuses at individuals own risk. Security Conditions: UN Security Level-2 is currently in place, which limits official and private road travel by staff as per the MOSS. All official missions in this region cannot begin before sunrise and no travel can take place after sundown. Due to acts of banditry by unknown criminal individuals, police escorts are required as per MOSS for travel by road between Nyarugusu junctions to Kibondo-Nyakanazi and between Nduta Junction and Kasulu town. Security escort is not required for travel from Kasulu to Kigoma Town. For all official movements outside Kasulu, staff must obtain security clearance from UNDSS through TRIP. Staff are also advised to post private movements on the TRIP

How to Apply:

Please follow the link provided below.