How to Best write a Job Application Letter

How to Best write a Job Application Letter

How to Best write a Job Application Letter

Although finding a job in Tanzania has its challenges in general, writing a job application letter has its challenges. However, it is very important to write a letter of application if you are looking for a job, even if you are not forced to do so.

Why do extra work?

Your letter of application is your chance to sell yourself to the employer. Do not repeat the contents of your CV. Instead, describe how you came to be in the job market, as well as show how much you have managed to get there. It will help differentiate you from the employer.

Apart from facing intense job competition, there is nothing else we can do. By writing a letter of application we are adding to the employer’s employment position. It is therefore very important to set a specific time to prepare it, just as you would prepare a CV.

 The following are ten best tips for writing a job application.

  1. Research

The first step in writing a job application is to find out more about the company / organization you are applying for as well as the position itself.

Browse the company’s website and where they are on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.). Try to find out what the company’s values ​​are, its challenges and how you will contribute to improving the company. Knowing all of this, you will be able to write a letter that will show you that you understand them and how you will help them.

For example, if you are looking for a job at an employment agency, do some research to find out that one of the biggest obstacles for employers in Tanzania is finding people with suitable job qualifications. In your letter you can explain how your skills have prepared you to solve this problem for them.

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Remember, a job application letter is a way to give your employer more personal information about you, not just the list of things that are already listed on your CV.

  1. Send a letter to a specific person

Job descriptions may not contain the name of a human resources officer or the CEO, but try to determine who exactly will receive the job application. This puts more weight on it.

How will you find out the name of the character?

  • Search for the company on LinkedIn and then review the names of the company’s employees and their positions there.
  • Call them and then ask a human resources officer or office manager and then ask who your work letter should be sent to.
  1. The opening of the letter must be strong

Don’t waste your employer’s time by starting with ‘My name is ______ and this letter is applying for a __________ job advertised at .

Instead, start with a strong sentence. For example:

“Since I have worked in the Marketing industry, a very complex industry, for more than 3 years at _________ company, I am confident that I will be the one to fill this position.”

  1. Have goals

Instead of talking about all the work you have done in your life, focus on what will help you to do the job you are asking for.

This will help keep the perfect image for the employer above you, instead of filling them with too many words that will end up confusing them.

  1. The letter belongs to the employer, not you

Make sure you clearly show how you will help them and not how they will help you.

For example, instead of writing ‘Working at _____ will enable me to develop’ better writing skills ‘if I am given the opportunity to join your company, I will use my ______ skills to contribute to the growth of the company’

  1. Provide details
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Show by example your qualities.

For example, instead of saying, ‘I have the ability to lead’ give a specific example of that ability by saying, ‘In my _____ position in the ______ company I led a department that had 3 people in _______ and ______ jobs’

  1. Emphasize your abilities

We often find ourselves lacking the few qualities needed for the job we are applying for, but we still believe that given the opportunity we will do well.

So instead of pointing out that you lacked certain skills, show your ability and desire to learn as well as how you will be a shovel for the company.

How to Best write a Job Application Letter

  1. One style does not suit everyone

Do not send the same letter to different employers by simply changing the name of the company. Values ​​and challenges between companies vary, even if they are within the same sector.

  1. Make corrections

Ask a relative, friend or friend to review your letter and correct any errors you may find.

  1. Make sure you write it concisely and clearly

Your letter of application should not exceed 4 paragraphs and should not be longer than one page.

Remember, although there are many things we cannot control in the job application process, we can control the quality of our job application.

A carefully written and purposeful job application letter will increase your chances of being called for an interview. So, don’t make a joke!

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About Author

Here to ease your search for new opportunities. I am a person with a passion of sharing useful opportunities to interested Job seekers in a timely and accurate manner, aiming to ease the Job Search experience.