1548 Names Called for Interview at the Tanzania Immigration Department / Majina 1548 Yaitwa kwenye Usaili Idara Ya Uhamiaji Tanzania

1548 Names Called for Interview at the Tanzania Immigration Department

1548 Names Called for Interview at the Tanzania Immigration Department. The Immigration Department is announcing to Tanzanian Youth who applied for the Immigration Constable Job vacancy through the Office of the Commissioner General of Immigration, to attend the interview that will be held at the Auditorium Hall at the University of Dodoma (UDOM) on Sunday 06th February, 2022 at 8:00 am. (First Check if your name has been Called, the List is Below )

For those who have submitted their applications through the Zanzibar Immigration Office they are required arrive at the JKU Headquarters on Sunday 06th February, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. (After Checking if your name has been Called, the List is Below )

All applicants are required to arrive with a Birth Certificate, National Identity Card or National Identification Number (NIDA), Real Academic Certificates, Graduation Certificate for Preliminary Military Training from JKT / JKU, Blue Ink Pen, Other Certificates Graduation of training in various fields.

For applicants whose professional is required to be registered with the Professional Boards,
they are required to come with real Registration Certificates as well as licenses to work in the fields

In addition, all interviewees are required to pay for food, transport and accommodation at all times
relevant exercise.

1548 Names Called for Interview at the Tanzania Immigration Department. The following are the ones called to the interview.

Tap or Click Here to Download the Names in Full / Bofya Hapa Kusoma List Nzima ya Majina.

More info About the Tanzania Immigration Department

Who we are

The Immigration Services Department is established under Section 4(1) of the Immigration Act of 1995 Chapter 54 as amended by Act No.8 of 2015.  It gives the Department the authority to control and facilitate immigration issues in the United Republic of Tanzania. The Department is one of the security organs under Ministry of Home Affairs.

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To become an efficient and effective Institution, which provides high quality Immigration services that meet both national and international standards.


To facilitate and control movements of persons through implementation of relevant Laws and Regulations in order to safeguard national security and economic interests.


Migration security and development

Tap or Click Here to Download the Names in Full / Bofya Hapa Kusoma List Nzima ya Majina.

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Here to ease your search for new opportunities. I am a person with a passion of sharing useful opportunities to interested Job seekers in a timely and accurate manner, aiming to ease the Job Search experience.