Avoid having this ‘red flag’ on your CV

Avoid having this 'red flag' in your CV

Avoid having this ‘red flag’ on your CV because , when a Hiring Manager evaluates a potential employee, he/ she considers a number of things, but one “red flag” stands out above the rest: candidates who are “bouncing all over the place.”

If an applicant’s CV reveals various positions held over the past two years, one hiring manager says, “I simply throw it away, because we’re not going to look at that person.”

“Companies don’t like it because they invest in you,” he says, citing financial obligations ranging from onboarding and training to providing equipment to remote workers as examples.
“It’s a complete waste of money for them if you’re going to abandon them after a few months.”

He emphasizes the need of being willing to put in time when applying for a new job.

“Make a mental commitment to stay for at least two years, whether you like [the work] or not,” he advises.
“You must have a minimum of a 24-month commitment if you want to join a team as an employee and represent that organization.”

Employees who had their prior job for fewer than 15 months were 43 percent less likely to be hired when applying for new positions, according to a 2018 analysis by job site TalentWorks, which studied a random sample of almost 7,000 job applications in various industries.

According to the poll, working in your former employment for a brief period of time is equivalent to erasing nearly five years of experience off your resume.

That’s because, according to TalentWorks, hiring managers often spend less than a minute perusing applications and aren’t inclined to give a candidate the benefit of the doubt or think “deeply” about why they left their previous job.

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If you’ve worked at a company for a long time, though, hiring managers may be more lenient with the restrictions.
For example, if you worked for a company for five years, you can have one or two six-month or eight-month employment entries on your resume.

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Here to ease your search for new opportunities. I am a person with a passion of sharing useful opportunities to interested Job seekers in a timely and accurate manner, aiming to ease the Job Search experience.